Friday, February 10, 2012

How to make seed starter pots from recycled news paper

Items needed: 
     News paper     Stapler      6oz tomato past can      
     Potting soil
 This is an idea I got off the net. I adapted it to fit my local news paper that measures 23.5 “ tall by 22” wide.  


Fold the paper in 4th"s along the 22” edge 
and cut folds (I used a knife).

Now you will have 4 strips of news paper that
measure 23.5” by 5.5”.

Note: I painted the back side of the paper Yellow so you can better see what is going on.


Next, along the 23.5” edge of the paper,
fold over a 1/2” - 3/4” strip. This will
become the collar for the finished pot.


Turn the paper over so the newly folded collar is underneath the paper. Take the tomato past can, lining it up with the folded collar's edge of the paper.

NOTE: Keep the collar folded to the outside so you can remove the can easer.


Carefully start to roll the news paper around the tomato past can.


When finished warping the can, place the can
collar down on the table.

Starting with the seam of the news paper, start
folding the edges over the can.


Gently remove the can from the newly formed pot.


Lastly, staple the seam of the pot to help secure


Add potting soil and plant your seeds.


How to make seed starter pots from recycled news paper


  1. Nice photo layout. I've always meant to try this...I'll give it a go this year using your instructions! Love the blog!

  2. Hello! I still have to take pictures of David's Box Garden for you to see.
